
When I was growing up, as the 3rd of 4 children, my mom was constantly taking pictures, having them developed, & then tossing them in a set of bright red luggage. Each of us had our own piece: Jay (1st born) had the big momma jamma, Lynette (2nd) had the overnight sized case, I had the carry on one & my little brother, Jonathan, had the makeup case. Bless him. I always swore that I would keep albums and be on top of hanging up and admiring school projects, but the truth is, I’m basically doing exactly what Momma did, minus the set of luggage. In an attempt to log daily memories, I’m snapping daily pics on my iPhone via the Instagram app & then logging them here each Friday & linking up with the InstaFriday party over at Life Rearranged. By the end of the year, I’ll have 366 pics of our life of 2012 – the good, the bad & the entertaining.

Project 365: Days 1-6

20120106-080724.jpgDay 1: 1/1 – My Sunday morning long run lead me down this beautiful road.

20120106-080746.jpgDay 2: 1/2 – Morning coffee, babies & Thomas puzzles, folowed by Chipwrecked, Chuy’s and spending Christmas money at Target.

20120106-080801.jpgDay 3: 1/3 – I hear, “Hey, Mom, come & find us!”

20120106-080833.jpgDay 4: 1/4 – Ahhh, the kids are back in school & I snag some time to do a little business reading: Craft, Inc.

20120106-080848.jpgDay 5: 1/5 – An afternoon snack of Jelly Bellies. Arranging them by color has to be the best, most scientific way to combine tastes. Dontcha think?

20120106-080900.jpgDay 6: 1/6 – Cleaning out my studio, I grabbed Momma’s old 35mm Minolta. How many memories did this beauty capture?


May your everyday moments be full of adventure,
